Update 5
- + Translate algebra part
- + Translate calculus (em pt, valor extremo é assim a nomenclatura?)
- + The first paragraphs of limits for two variables needs rewording. The penultimate paragraph needs rewording regarding the point where the limit does not exist.
- + Some phrases regarding the theorems about limits and continuity are confusing.
- + The explanation of the limit that produces the constant e is wrong. PT and EN.
- + Review the derivative. x, p, Delta, h, the letters are mixed up and confusing.
- + Accidentally deleted class big from shared.css
- + There was a phrase about differentiability for functions of two variables that was wrong. If different paths lead to different values the function cannot be continuous and thus, there can't be a linear approximation where the function is discontinuous.
- + "gap" -> descontinuidade, quebra in PT (better than "empty space" in a literal translation)
- + Mistake in the chain rule for single variable functions. One function is not the dependent variable of the other.
- + In trigonometry, the inverse of cosine is arccosine, not arcsecant.
- + New style class "definition" to make it easier to use gray boxes.
- + Mistake about domain of composite functions. Totally wrong explanation.
Update 4
- + Bullet point spacing between lines
- + Use two columns for the list of topics
- + Add styles for programming in shared.css
- Condition for differentiability, pg 195 guidorizzi and see the E(h,k) that is missing in the wiki
Update 3
- + Rewrite the proofs in a way that has two columns, this makes it easier to read. Numbers on one side, phrases on the other.
- + Converge(ing) to infinity seems to be contradictory, use "diverge" instead.
- + Missing change of base log rule
- + sine, cosine as percentages. Review it, the part about ratio is contradicting the later page about dy/dx not being a ratio. Try to think on kinetic energy and motion and see if it helps.
- + finish l'hospital page
- + Explain somewhere the meaning of solving an equation by taking the log on both sides
- + Explain linear approximation and the concept of the derivative being the best approximation of a function near a point
- + Prove Wierstrass
- + Prove continuity of a function
- + Conditions for differentiability
- + Polar coordinates
- Examples of polar coordinates
- + Parametric equations
- + Properties of limits
- + Notation of derivatives
- + Explains derivatives of higher orders
- + Chain rule
- + Where to add transcendental functions?
- + where to add derivative of inverse functions?
- + Explain the notation dy/dx (guidorizzi has it)
- + Limits at infinity, explain better than "Because x^2 grows without limits"
- + Properties of derivatives
- + Max and min
- It may be wrong to say "for each epsilon", check that
- Synthetic polynomial division
- + Add proofs or at least links to the basic algebraic properties (add in that chapter, long division of polynomials and completing the square)
- + Missing mention to asymptotes in limits
- + Formulas of derivatives, prove the basic ones
- + Sketch the graphs using derivatives, limits
- The explanation for dy/dx may be confusing or misleading, check that and compare to the rate of change for velocity. Compare it to the algebra page about trig, there I said that to divide is a ratio.
- + Conceptual mistake about limits. We aren't dividing by zero, but what about a limit where we do multiply by zero? The mistake is that we have to consider the function's domain.
- + Implicit differentiation
- + Differentiation of f(x)^g(x) (add links for the formal proofs of derivative of log and exp)
- + correct the notation for the derivative's definition. p + delta h has two letters.
Teachers often don't mention this. The area of a rectangle can be made larger or smaller than the area of the graph of a function. Somewhere in between the area of the rectangle matches the area under the curve. The function that represents the variation in the area is the derivative itself!
Review explanations to avoid explaining the obvious, such as a multivariable function has more than one variable. Duh!
With linear dependence it's redundant to say that one element is linearly independent from the other if both form a base.
Add somewhere a comparison of direct and implicit differentiation in the case of a circle and talk about level curves. It may help.
+ It may be necessary to explain linear dependence somewhere.
Check for opportunities to use bold and underline.
Torricelli equation, try to use this case to explain inverse functions. The algebraic operation done at high school is completely meaningless if we don't know that we are dealing with functions to begin with.
List de pessoas para contactar
- Física com o Douglas
- Rafael Procópio, matematica rio
- Julia, matemaníaca
- Teaching calculus, Lin McMullin
- Paul Dawkins
- Nerckie
- Luiz Aquino
- ulysses@uel.br
- Susane ribeiro, ita
- Jo Boaler
- Jason Moser, Michigan
- Eduardo Wagner, FGV
- umlivroaberto.com
- Lara Alcock, UK
- Professorleonard57@gmail.com
- Dan Finkel, mathforlove
- Kalid Azad, better explained
- https://www.mindresearch.org/contact-us
- Edward (William) Tavernetti, UC Davis
- Margot Gerritsen, Stanford
- Daniel Ashlock,
- Jan Cannizzo
- Matthew Oldridge
- Miroslav Lovric
- Richard C. Larson, MIT blossoms
- Denise Pope, Stanford